Notes from Propaganda Lecture - 17/01/19

January 20, 2019

Starting Point

  1. immersion - understand business and market
  2. insight
  3. brand development
  4. strategy
Market Map - defining where you want to sit
Define audience

Three ways for a brand to grow
  1. ACQUISITION - attract new customers
  2. FREQUENCY - increase the regularity of purchase
  3. AVERAGE WEIGHT OF PURCHASE - increase the number of products purchased

Brand Requirements
  1. identity and assets - consistent global branding
  2. packaging - improving messaging at point of purchase
  3. distributor communication - engage and support
  4. website - building a big brand approach to online and driving sales at best margin
  5. education - educating the benefits globally and consistently 
  6. sales strategy & support - approach to sales to re-engage customers and convert new products
  7. channel branding

Continuous Innovation
  1. seasonal and gifting - gift sets/limited edition
  2. brand collaboration
  3. new product development

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