Lecture - Understanding Consumer Behaviour

January 21, 2019

Consumer behaviour - the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experience to satisfy needs and desires. (Solomon et al, 2011)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Self-actualisation needs: desire for self fulfilment in achieving whatever someone can
Esteem and status: striving to achieve a high standing in relation to other people
Social needs: we need social experience and desire products and services that facilitate social exchange
Safety needs: protection from the unpredictable happening in life e.g. accidents
Physiological needs: the fundamentals of survival
- this model does not take into account influence from other people e.g. family

Self Esteem - (Richins 1993; Kees et al., 2008)
Marketers use attractive models for a social comparison process where young female consumers compare themselves and feel inadequate against them.
Ironically, when showed adverts with 'real sized women' the advert scored less favourably.

Diverse and Changing Markets
Most fashion markets try to attract several segments at once - e.g. Gap sells to men, women and children.
Consumer buying habits do not remain the same - changes in social or economic conditions can affect consumer's choices.

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